With the Mists of Corruption stopped the minions of The Blight Horde are weakened but still plague the lands and forests of Sheridan, rumor has it that members of The Horde are being better armed and armored and seeking out magical items and artifacts with great intent, robbing graves and burial mounds of ancient forest defenders.
Groups and Guilds have established themselves in the encampment at the edge of Sheridan Forest meeting the needs of most, however the guilds have need of help for the circles are near to collapse as their magics wane, the deal with the Djinn require two fist sized diamonds and then the circles cast to renew - a dangerous endeavor for such magics will draw the attention of creatures that lie in wait for when the safe haven is vulnerable.
A fledgling guard is attempting patrols, to keep the main roads open and keep watchful eye on the ancient travel gate, many have learned the gate is a two way device and upsetting things have stepped out. With a stable link to this realm planar armies of the Fellblade and the Ora have sent envoys seeking more aid in their wars.
Mysterious Rings have been found, but more are needed to bring them all together and open the door to an ancient dwarven vault, long since hidden beneath this forest of elves.
A dark cloud is slowly lifting over the Sun Runner encampment, one has come forward to attempt healing on the Chieftain that was found wandering the marsh nearly nude near the forest after his greatest hunters failed to return from scouting the Mists of Corruption. It seems this one has a plan to mend the injured.
Groups and Guilds have established themselves in the encampment at the edge of Sheridan Forest meeting the needs of most, however the guilds have need of help for the circles are near to collapse as their magics wane, the deal with the Djinn require two fist sized diamonds and then the circles cast to renew - a dangerous endeavor for such magics will draw the attention of creatures that lie in wait for when the safe haven is vulnerable.
A fledgling guard is attempting patrols, to keep the main roads open and keep watchful eye on the ancient travel gate, many have learned the gate is a two way device and upsetting things have stepped out. With a stable link to this realm planar armies of the Fellblade and the Ora have sent envoys seeking more aid in their wars.
Mysterious Rings have been found, but more are needed to bring them all together and open the door to an ancient dwarven vault, long since hidden beneath this forest of elves.
A dark cloud is slowly lifting over the Sun Runner encampment, one has come forward to attempt healing on the Chieftain that was found wandering the marsh nearly nude near the forest after his greatest hunters failed to return from scouting the Mists of Corruption. It seems this one has a plan to mend the injured.